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ALLT Abstract Submission Guidelines


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Call for Abstract (Eng.)
Call for Abstract (中文)
Image by Scott Graham

摘要投稿須知 Abstract Submission

摘要字數勿超過 300 字,需以英文撰寫以利匿名審查

The conference invites abstracts of no more than 300 words in English for double-blind peer review. 

摘要(Word / PDF)請上傳至

All abstracts (.doc or .docx / PDF) should be submitted via 

online system:


會後繳交全文。全文將經 peer review 通過後刊登。

A volume of selected papers will be published after the conference. Authors whose abstracts are accepted are

encouraged to submit their papers for consideration.

All papers will be peer reviewed by at least two reviewers who are experts in the field.


Multi-modalities, multi-literacies, multi-pedagogies in ELT

❏ 論文主題 Topics

論文主題 Topics

2021 ALLT主題包括但不限於以下:
For 2021 ALLT, topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:

❏ L2 teaching Methodology

❏ Multimodalities and Multiliteracies

❏ Language Assessment and Evaluation

❏ Content and Language Integrated Learning(CLIL)

❏ Curriculum Development and Evaluation

❏ English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI)

❏ Language Learning and Technology

❏ L2 Teacher Education  

❏ Translation and Interpreting

❏ Language Use in Professional Communication

❏ 論文發表形式 Types of Presentations

論文發表形式 Types of Presentations (All in ENGLISH)


Please remember to choose your type of presentation on the system, or we will classify your abstract as "individual paper" OR "poster"!


Individual Paper


Individual Paper


Papers are formal presentations on original and complete research within a 25 minute period, including 5 minutes for Q&A discussion.

Image by Antenna


Panel Discussion


A panel is formed by 3 or 4 scholars centering their discussion on a particular topic within 60 minutes. The panel organizer should submit an abstract delineating the theme of the panel, including each panelist’s statement explaining his/her standpoints.

Image by Product School




Workshops give opportunities for demonstrations of teaching or use of materials in a 45 minute timeframe. The audience is expected to be actively involved.


The abstract should include the purpose of the demonstration and the tasks to be performed. 



海報* 請以有利於資訊傳遞之視覺方式呈現,即以圖表為主。論文發表人將有60分鐘的討論時間。

Posters* are especially effective for information that can be presented visually (e.g., charts, graphs, tables, diagrams).


During the hour-long (60 minutes) poster presentation period, the presenters will be available to answer any questions about their projects.

*海報格式 Poster size


海報大小為直式 A1(長84.2公分*寬59.4公分)一張,請自行印製,並於發表當日帶至會場張貼(本會提供膠帶張貼)。

A1 / Vertical (Length 84.2cm* Width 59.4cm). Please bring the hardcopy on the presentation day (Tape will be provided). 

❏ 發表時間 Time for Presentation


Time for Presentation

  1. 專題座談60分鐘(含發問10分鐘)。
    Panel Discussion: 60 minutes (including Q&A 10 minutes)

  2. 每篇論文報告20分鐘,包含聽眾發問5分鐘,共25分鐘;第18分鐘時按鈴一次,第20分鐘按結束鈴,接著進行5分鐘Q&A討論。
    Each paper will be allotted 20 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A discussion.
    The bell will be rung at 18th minute during each
    presentation, concluded by a final ring at the end of the 20-minute slot.

  3. 工作坊報告40分鐘,聽眾發問5分鐘,共45分鐘;第35分鐘時按鈴一次,第38分鐘時按鈴一次,第40分鐘按結束鈴,接著進行5分鐘討論。
    Workshop: 40 minutes for presentation. The bell will ring at 35 minutes,
    minutes and the end of 40 minutes. There will be 5 minutes for discussion.

  4. 海報論文報告60分鐘。
    Paper presentation time for poster session is allotted 60 minutes. During the hour-long (60 minutes) poster presentation period, the presenters will be available to answer any questions about their projects.

  5. 討論時間自由發問,每人發言以1分鐘為限;請簡潔扼要。
    During discussion, time allowed for each question is 1 minute; please make sure that your question is succinct that others may also have the opportunity to ask brief questions.

  6. 針對每一個問題,回答以1分鐘為原則。
    For each question, the response time should be limited to 1 minute.

  7. 會場中均設有資訊電腦講桌(Windows系統)及投影設備。
    Conference rooms are equipped with computer (Computer OS: Windows) and projector.

  8. 發表語言:英語
    Language: English 

❏ 重要日期 Important Dates 

重要日期 Important Dates 

❏ 摘要截止日:2020 年 12 月 20 日

❏ Abstract call deadline: Dec. 20th, 2020

❏ 審查結果通知日: 2021 年 2 月 1 日

❏ Notification of acceptance: Feb. 1st, 2021

❏ 會議日期: 2021 年 4 月 16 - 17 日(五~六)

❏ Conference date: April 16 - 17, 2021 (Fri.~Sat.)

❏ 全文預計將於 2022 年 6 月出刊

❏ The proceeding will be published in June 2022. 

2021 ALLT 應用語言學暨語言教學國際研討會

International Conference on

Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching


Dept. of Applied Foreign Languages

Copyright © 2021 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Department of Applied Foreign Languages. All rights reserved.

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