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2021 ALLT 全文投稿與格式說明

Full Paper Submission & Guidelines

全文預計將於 2022 年 6 月出刊

The proceeding will be published in June 2022. 


All submitted papers will be anonymously reviewed by external reviewers.

Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings.

投稿截止日期:2021 年 6 月 15 日

Submission Deadline: June 15th, 2021.

  1. Articles submitted should contain original research that employs sound research methods and should be written in standard academic format in clear and fluent English.

  2. Manuscripts should be between 5,000 and 7,000 words, inclusive of abstracts in both English and Chinese (200-250 words), and a list of three to five keywords.

  3. To facilitate the anonymous reviewing process, manuscripts must contain NO indication of personal identity or institutional affiliation.

  4. The article should be displayed in the following order: title, abstract, keywords, main body, notes, appendix, references (works cited) and Chinese abstract (plus title and keywords in Chinese). Upon acceptance, the writer will also be requested to provide an author profile.

  5. The submitted article must not have been previously published or simultaneously under review elsewhere. These proceedings hold the copyright to all articles upon publication.

  6. Submissions in Word and a PDF file must be submitted to online form given below.

  7. Upon publication, the author will receive a PDF file of the proceedings.

  8. The electronic file of the article should be prepared using PDF or Microsoft Word for Windows. The fonts and formatting required are as follows:

    a. Fonts: Times New Roman(for English);新細明體(for Chinese)

    b. Type size and placement for each level of heading:
    Level 1: 14-point, centered, boldface, uppercase and lowercase.
    Level 2: 12-point, left-aligned, boldface, uppercase and lowercase.
    Level 3: 12-point, indented 5 spaces, boldface, lowercase heading ending with a period; body text to begin after the period.
    Level 4: 12-point, indented 5 spaces, boldface, italicized, lowercase heading ending with a period; body text to begin after the period.
    Level 5: 12-point, indented 5 spaces, italicized, lowercase heading ending with a period; body text to begin after the period.

    c. Margins: left and top: 2.3 cm; right: 1.5 cm; bottom: 2 cm.

    d. Columns: single-column

    e. In-text citations and list of references (works cited): Articles on linguistics or language teaching should use APA style (6th edition); articles on literature should use MLA style.

  9. Digital files should be submitted to:

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2021 ALLT 應用語言學暨語言教學國際研討會

International Conference on

Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching


Dept. of Applied Foreign Languages

Copyright © 2021 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Department of Applied Foreign Languages. All rights reserved.

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