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Registration for
Local Participants / Presenters
(Non-students)​ 非學生方案

報名截止日期:2021 年 3 月 15 日(一)

Registration Deadline: Mar. 15th, 2021 (Sun.)

繳費期間:3月23日(二)以 Email 通知繳款

Payment: Mar. 23rd via Email Notification

繳款費用:新台幣 1,000 元

Payment Fee: NTD 1,000


Please note the information below before registration:


  1. 請以一人為單位註冊與付款,不接受團體報名及付款
    Please register and pay independently. Group registration is NOT available.


  2. 錄取之發表者必須先行完成註冊付款後本會將安排發表時程,超過截止日未付款視同放棄發表!
    All Presenters attending the conference must register and pay the registration fee before the early deadline to ensure inclusion in the ALLT Program.  If payment order is not received before the deadline, your presentation will automatically be cancelled. 

  3. 費用包含: 大會手冊、提袋、名牌、會議兩天午餐及茶點。
    registration fee includes: conference book of abstracts, conference bag, name badge, 2 lunches
    (April 16-17), tea/coffee/snacks during the break (twice per day). 

  4. 銀行轉帳及國內劃撥可能有手續費,煩請自行確認,手續費請報名者自行處理,手續費不包含在報名費內
    There might be transaction fee charged by the bank or post office. Extra charges are at the expenses of the participants. It is not included in the registration fees.

  5. 報名費付款方式不接受信用卡
    We do NOT provide credit card as a method of payment. 

  6. 本會不提供國外簽證申請服務、住宿及交通服務
    We do not provide visa assistance to other countries, accommodation and transportation. 

  7. 報名費繳交後恕不退款
    The registration fee is NOT refundable.


  8. 研習證明將以電子形式(PDF)發放,如需索取請於報名表單中註記。
    Certificate of participation will be provided in digital form (PDF). Please see our registration form below for more information.

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