2016 應用語言學暨語言教學國際研討會
2016 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching
Conf. Date: April 15-16, 2016
Conf. Venue: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
主辦單位: 國立臺灣科技大學 應用外語系
Conference Organizer: Department of Applied Foreign Languages
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

2016 ALLT program has been finalized. Please click the links below.
2016ALLT 研討會議程已公告,請點擊下方連結。
Programs updated on April 12 (finalized)
Time for presentations
Panel Discussion: 90 minutes (Q&A 10minutes included)
Each individual paper is allotted 30 minutes:25 minutes for paper presentation and the warning bell will ring at the end of 23-minute time slot, and then ring again at the end of 25-minute time slot. There will be 5 minutes for discussion.
Workshop presentation is allotted 45 minutes: 40 minutes for presentation and the warning bell will ring at the end of 38-minute time slot and ring again at the end of 40-minute time slot. There will be 5 minutes for discussion.
Poster presentation time is allotted 60 minutes.
During discussion, time allowed for each question is 1 minute; please make sure that your question is succinct that others may also have the opportunity to ask brief questions.
For each question, the response time should be limited to 1 minute.
Language: English
(一) 專題座談90分鐘 (含發問10分鐘)
(二) 每篇論文報告25分鐘,聽眾發問5分鐘,共30分鐘;第23分鐘時按鈴一次,第25分鐘時按鈴結束,接著進行5分鐘討論。
(三) 工作坊報告40分鐘,聽眾發問5分鐘,共45分鐘;第38分鐘時按鈴一次,第40分鐘時按鈴結束,接著進行5分鐘討論。
(四) 海報論文報告60分鐘
(五) 討論時間自由發問,每人發言以1分鐘為限;請簡潔扼要。
(六) 針對每一個問題,回答以1分鐘為原則。
(七) 發表語言:英語
© 2016 by Dept. of Applied Foreign Languages, NTUST. All rights reserved.