2016 應用語言學暨語言教學國際研討會
2016 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching
Conf. Date: April 15-16, 2016
Conf. Venue: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
主辦單位: 國立臺灣科技大學 應用外語系
Conference Organizer: Department of Applied Foreign Languages
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

持有護照之外國人士以探親、旅遊、參加國際研討會、洽公、短期研習、短期工作或其它因素申請進入臺灣,停留不超過六個月者,須向外交部領事事務局申請停留簽證(Visitor Visa)。
Foreign nationals, who hold ordinary passports or other legal travel documents and who intend to stay in Taiwan for no more than six months for the purposes of transit; tour; visit relatives; undertake visits; undertake inspection tours; attend international conferences; conduct business; pursue short-term study; undertake short-term employment; undertake short-term missionary work; and engage in other activities in the ROC as approved by Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
* 本會不提供國外簽證申請服務
* ALLT conference does not provide visa assistance to other countries.
外交部領事事務局: http://www.boca.gov.tw/mp?mp=1
Bureau of Consular Affairs Website: http://www.boca.gov.tw/mp.asp?mp=2
氣候 Climate
The annual average temperature during spring in Taiwan is approximatively 22°C (approx. 72°F). During raining season (March to May), continuously rain will fall on Taiwan from time to time. When visiting Taiwan, remember to carry an umbrella with you.
中央氣象局: http://www.cwb.gov.tw/V7/
Central Weather Bureau: http://www.cwb.gov.tw/eng/index.htm
臺北旅遊 Travel in Taipei City
臺北市位於臺灣北部,盆地地形使臺北環繞著許多自然美景,如:淡水紅樹林、北投溫泉、陽明山風景區等等;臺北市亦是購物及美食天堂!歡迎來臺北欣賞美景、品嘗美食、體驗美好時光!(資料來源:臺北市政府 http://www.taipei.gov.tw)
Nestled in the center of the Taipei Basin, Taipei City is surrounded by mountains to the north, east and south, and by the Tamsui River to the west. As a result, it is endowed with unique natural scenery, with lush forests and winding rivers, and a variety of fascinating terrains, including volcanic mountains, foothills, terrace tablelands, coastal plains and river wetlands.
In addition to beautiful sceneries, Taipei is also a city for individuals who enjoy indulging themselves in shopping, exotic meals, and feasts of arts and culture. (Source: Taipei City Government http://www.taipei.gov.tw)
Taipei Travel.NET: http://www.taipeitravel.net/en/
If you are insterested in traveling in other cities in Taiwan, please visit Tourism Bureau, M.O.T.C. Rep. of China (TAIWAN) for more information: http://eng.taiwan.net.tw/
其他資訊 Other Information
© 2016 by Dept. of Applied Foreign Languages, NTUST. All rights reserved.