2016 應用語言學暨語言教學國際研討會
2016 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching
Conf. Date: April 15-16, 2016
Conf. Venue: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
主辦單位: 國立臺灣科技大學 應用外語系
Conference Organizer: Department of Applied Foreign Languages
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Dr. Stephen D. Krashen
Professor Emeritus at University of Southern California, USA
Research areas: Second language acquisition, bilingual education, and free voluntary reading and its impact on general and academic language. Be an influential scholar in the field, Krashen has published more than 500 journal articles and books in the above areas.
Website: http://rossier.usc.edu/faculty-and-research/directories/a-z/profile/?id=115
Title: The Development of Academic Language: The right way is the
easy way
I argue in this presentation that the development of academic language occurs in three stages, and all three are pleasant: (1) stories and read alouds; (2) recreational reading (3) academic reading. In all three of these stages, the input is COMPELLING, that is, extremely interesting. In stages two and three the reading is typically self-selected and narrow.
I will also argue that there is no other way to develop academic language. It cannot be done by direct study: the system is too vast and complicated. Academic language can only be absorbed, or acquired, by reading.
© 2016 by Dept. of Applied Foreign Languages, NTUST. All rights reserved.