2016 應用語言學暨語言教學國際研討會
2016 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching
Conf. Date: April 15-16, 2016
Conf. Venue: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
主辦單位: 國立臺灣科技大學 應用外語系
Conference Organizer: Department of Applied Foreign Languages
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

會議地點:國立臺灣科技大學 國際大樓
地址: 臺北市基隆路四段四十三號
Conference Venue: International Building (IB), National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST)
Address: #No.43, Sec. 4, Keelung Rd., Da'an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
台北市動態公車資訊網: http://5284.taipei.gov.tw/
指南客運、中壢客運(桃園-台北市政府):經新店、公館、六張犁 。
台中客運、大有巴士(台中-台北):經龍潭、新店、六張犁、捷運市府站、松山車站 。
國光客運、台聯客運、中壢客運(中壢-台北):經中永和、公館、六張犁、捷運市府站 。
亞聯客運(新竹-台北):經工研院、清大、交大、竹科、龍潭、新店、捷運景美、捷運萬隆、捷運公館、新生南路、仁愛路、臺北市 政府(停靠捷運公館站,不停靠台灣科大)。
豪泰客運(竹北-台北):經新竹縣政府、新竹稅捐處、一高竹北交流道站、二高竹林交流道站、新店、捷運景美、捷運萬隆、捷運公 館、新生南路、捷運科技大樓、捷運大安、捷運忠孝復興、捷運忠孝敦化、捷運國父紀念館、捷運市府站 (停靠捷運公館站,不停靠台灣科大)。
台北捷運網站: http://www.trtc.com.tw/
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) is located in Taipei downtown area which is about 10-minute walk from Gong-Guan MRT (mass rapid transit) station. You can take buses or taxies to get to Taipei from CKS International Airport.
Bus platforms are available at both Terminal I and II. Terminal I Bus Platform is on the southwest side of the Arrival Passenger Reception Area, while Terminal II Bus Platform is on the northeast side of the Arrival Passenger Reception Area on the first floor of the terminal. Adult single fares vary from NT$120 to NT$150. The journey time is about one hour in moderate traffic.
Taxies are available 24 hours a day outside the Arrival Hall of both terminals. Airport taxies charge according to the meter in addition to a 50% surcharge (highway tolls not included) and provide transport to anywhere in Taiwan. A typical taxi fare from airport to Taipei is approx. NT$1,100. Please visist http://www.taoyuan-airport.com/english/Index/, for more transport information.
After getting to Taipei, MRT, buses or taxies are all available to get to NTUST. Please visit Taipei Bus & Transportation Information System at http://www.5284.com.tw/Dybus.aspx?Lang=En or Taipei Metro at http://english.trtc.com.tw/ for more information.
Buses to NTUST: 1、207、254、275、650、672、673、907、Green11(綠11)、Brown12(棕12)、Dunhua Line(敦化幹線)
交通資訊 Transportation

© 2016 by Dept. of Applied Foreign Languages, NTUST. All rights reserved.